Category Archives: Culture

Beauty, Truth, and Wisdom

Hausblog Michelangelo

Photo by Delia Giandeini on Unsplash Philanthropy and the renaissance, particularly under the direction of Lorenzo de’ Medici, was focused on the promotion of Beauty, Truth, and Wisdom. For the cost of one of today’s superyachts, Medici was able to fund much of the renaissance for 30 years. With more wealth in the world than […]

Carl Jung: Tarot Cards Provide Doorways to the Unconscious, and Maybe a Way to Predict the Future | Open Culture

Hausblog Tarot

  What he aimed at through the use of divination was to accelerate the process of “individuation,” the move toward wholeness and integrity, by means of playful combinations of archetypes. As another mystical psychologist, Alejandro Jodorowsky, puts it, “the Tarot will teach you how to create a soul.” Jung perceived the Tarot, notes the blog […]

Lego Pop-Up House Construction

If you’ve ever fantasized about living in a real-life Lego home, your dream could finally come true. French architecture firm Multipod Studio recently unveiled a prototype for the PopUp House, a customizable home made from stackable blocks. It can be designed, ordered, and built in about a month. Check out the design for the first […]

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment reminds me of Yoko Ono’s “We’re all Water,” except this adds a fascinating metaphysical element. If words, music, and environment can alter water in such profound ways, imagine how we are all affected, considering humans are 60% water.

7 Deadly Sins of Worldbuilding

Worldbuilding is an essential part of any work of fiction. But especially for science fiction or fantasy, it’s the lifeblood of storytelling. But when worldbuilding fails, it can wreck your whole story, and leave your characters feeling pointless. Here are seven deadly sins of worldbuilding. 1. Not thinking about basic infrastructure. How do they eat? […]