Category Archives: Zeitgeist

Beauty, Truth, and Wisdom

Hausblog Michelangelo

Photo by Delia Giandeini on Unsplash Philanthropy and the renaissance, particularly under the direction of Lorenzo de’ Medici, was focused on the promotion of Beauty, Truth, and Wisdom. For the cost of one of today’s superyachts, Medici was able to fund much of the renaissance for 30 years. With more wealth in the world than […]

RA: Will The Pandemic Spark A Return To Local Lineups?

Hausblog Nightclub

Photo by Sarthak Navjivan on Unsplash The pandemic has devastated nightlife across the globe but as the sector recovers in parts of East Asia, a healthier ecosystem is poised to emerge. RA: Will The Pandemic Spark A Return To Local Lineups? — Read on Resident Advisor

Rabbit Rabbit

Happy First of the Month

Trixie Belden awoke slowly, with the sound of a summer rain beating against her window. She half-opened her eyes, stretched her arms above her head, and then, catching sight of a large sign tied to the foot of her bed, yelled out, “Rabbit! Rabbit!” She bounced out of bed and ran out of her room […]

Carl Jung: Tarot Cards Provide Doorways to the Unconscious, and Maybe a Way to Predict the Future | Open Culture

Hausblog Tarot

  What he aimed at through the use of divination was to accelerate the process of “individuation,” the move toward wholeness and integrity, by means of playful combinations of archetypes. As another mystical psychologist, Alejandro Jodorowsky, puts it, “the Tarot will teach you how to create a soul.” Jung perceived the Tarot, notes the blog […]