Find your core values

Hausblog Values - Compass

When you define your core values, you set a foundation for building your brand. Your values can serve as touchstones for every aspect of your business.

Live Bold and Bloom has put together a list of 400 values that serves as a great starting point to identifying which values resonate most with you:

The Ultimate List of Core Values And How To Find Yours

We recommend going through the list in a quick pass at first, highlighting any value that feels like you and your company. Once you have these initial selections, continue to narrow them down until you have the best four or five.

We’ve recreated Live Bold and Bloom’s list of 400 values in this PDF in simple black text on white background to be a more practical tool for this exercise.

Print it out, grab a highlighter, and start exploring.

Download PDF See Our Haus Values

Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash