Sorrell Awarded Freedom of the City of London
by Arif Durrani
WPP chief executive Martin Sorrell is being awarded the Freedom of the City of London today (November 24), an honour previously bestowed upon Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela and Winston Churchill.
The founder and chief of the global communications group behind MediaCom, Mindshare and Mediaedge:cia, is set to receive the honour at a Guildhall ceremony that dates back to 1237. He was nominated by the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Ian Luder, and Alderman Alison Gowman.
A number of ancient privileges associated with the Freedom include the right to herd sheep over London bridge, to go about the City with a drawn sword, to be married in St Paul’s Cathedral, buried in the City and, if convicted of a capital offence, to be hanged with a silken rope.