Photo by Kai Wenzel on Unsplash It’s an idea that sounds great, in theory—after all, as the recent round of protests starkly reminded us, you can never be too careful about what digital breadcrumbs you might be inadvertently scattering around the web. Getting a new set of data from Google can, in theory, be kind of like getting […]
Category Archives: Perpetrating
These logo knockoffs are beyond shameless. One guy doesn’t even bother copying: he just puts logos from other people in his portfolio. Check out more logo rip-offs at: LogoThief.
The business model of “free” is the business model of Corporate Surveillance.
This massive, top-secret, data-mining government enterprise allowed a drunk eight-year-old to design their PowerPoint slides.
There’s some logic to his argument, but given his company’s history in particular (see Nestlé Boycott and Child Slave Labor Practices), the idea of privatizing water is horrifying.
It bears repeating that the judges Hodgson surveyed were no ordinary taste-testers. These were judges at California State Fair wine competition – the oldest and most prestigious in North America. If you think you can consistently rate the “quality” of wine, it means two things:
1: No. You can’t.
2. Wine-tasting is bullshit.